Our worship aims to be a glimpse of heaven as described in Revelation 7:9 - a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. To that end, you'll find a variety of musical styles and languages at WRCC.
It doesn't matter if you're singing in the back row at church or the front seat of your car, God wants your worship. We've prepared a Spotify playlist to keep you praising all week long, and another that has this Sunday's setlist so you can prepare you heart for corporate worship. Check them both out!
Wednesday, October 30th | 6:30-7:30pm
We want to create a space where you can enter into worship and reconnect with Jesus. You can come for part of the evening or all of it. We hope that during this night of worship, you will be refreshed and encouraged in God’s presence as we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Hope for the world.
It takes many people of all ages and talents to make Sunday mornings and special events happen. To see all the ways you can get involved, click below.