Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation is the continual process of growth through God’s consistent love in which He shapes us to be more like Christ and equips us to do the work of Christ.
To come alongside and help the adults at WRCC do just that, we offer a variety of classes for adults. Some of our classes run for a semester, others a shorter period of time.
Practicing the Way
Wednesdays, Jan 8-Feb 19 | 6:30-8pm
Room 109 | Led by: Tim Rhee
Our spiritual formation as Christ followers is never haphazard. Rather, it requires intentionality and deliberate practice. This 6-week study of John Mark Comer’s book, Practicing the Way, gives a compelling picture of discipleship as “apprenticeship to Jesus”. Together, we will define spiritual formation and also explore different rhythms and practices to aid our faith journey.
(cost $14 | register by 1/2)
Financial Peace University
Sundays, Jan 12-Mar 9 | 10:30am-12pm
Room 106 | Led by: Chuck & Patricia Simpson
Learn how to take control of your money with this class that uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you. Upon registration, you’ll receive access to the workbook, the Every Dollar budgeting tool, and additional on-demand courses.
(cost $99 | register by 1/8)
Precept - Kings & Prophets
Thursdays, Jan 16-Apr 24 | 6:30-8:30pm
-or- Fridays, Jan 17-Apr 25 | 9-11am
Zoom | Led by: Pam Bloom
II Kings, II Chronicles, Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, & Amos
Could there be a man or woman who would boldly believe God and proclaim His word? Come experience the unchanging power of God in changing times. Return to God with your whole heart as we wait for the Day of the Lord. Register to reserve your workbooks and receive the Zoom link. (cost $56)

Men's Discipleship Class
Saturdays, Jan 25-Jun 7 | 8:30-10am
Room 148 | Led by: Al Williams
Join us as we launch a new study on the book, Christianity is Powerless Without the Spirit by Dr. Harold Davis. Dr. Davis is a local pastor who also founded a ministry called Talks Mentoring, that serves youth in our community. This study on the Spirit will give power to men to have a greater impact within their respective ministries and in the community at large. (cost $10)
Starting Point Class
Sundays, Jan 26th -0r- May 4
12:15-3:30pm | Room 109
This class is designed for you to learn more about WRCC and how we can help you grow in your faith so that you can live out your unique God-given purpose to influence others for Christ. During this class, you’ll be able to interact with our staff team and volunteer hosts. Lunch is provided. (register by 1/22 or 4/30)
Bema Discipleship
Sundays, Feb 2-May 25
9-10:30am | Room 106
Each week we open the Bible, listen to an episode of the BEMA podcast and engage in lively, challenging discussions. Join us as we look at familiar passages through a different lens, seeking to more deeply understand the original intent as written and as it applies to our lives today. We will be picking up where we left off in December, with Episodes 32 & 33. Previous attendance is not required.
The Gospel on the Ground
Wednesdays, Feb 5-Mar 19 | 9-11am
Room 109 | Led by: Brenda Tennill
Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the Kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God’s Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God. (cost $24)
Discerning the Voice of God
Sundays, Mar 2-Apr 13 |10:30-12pm
Room 109 | Led by: Crystal Hogue
You might think, “If only God would speak to me, then I would know exactly what to do.” Here’s the truth: God is speaking, but are we truly listening? In this Bible study by Priscila Shirer, we will open our hearts to the incredible truth that God desires to communicate with us. Together, we’ll discover how to embrace His voice and walk confidently in His guidance.
(cost $24 | register by 2/24)
The Promise & Power of Easter
Wednesdays, Mar 12-Apr 9 | 6:30-8pm
Room 110 | Led by: Lisa Black
Only one thing can truly change the trajectory of our lives, and that is realizing the magnitude of what happened on the cross. When our hearts become more aware of what took place on the cross, everything changes. In this study, we will remember together what led up to the cross and join hands in awesome celebration of the restoration we received when Jesus rose again.
(cost $20 | register by 3/5)
Baptism Class
Sunday, Apr 6th | 12:15-2pm
Room 110 | Led by: Pastor Randy
In this class, you’ll learn more about the important ordinance of baptism, its meaning, and its significance in the Christian faith. This class is for those who are ready to take this next step of commitment and for those just wanting to learn more about baptism. Lunch is provided. (register by 4/2)

Small Groups
We believe that God never meant for us to do life alone. We were created to walk with each other, to grow in Christlikeness with one another, and to glorify God together. Small Groups at WRCC are typically made up of 5-12 individuals who gather together on a regular basis for the purpose of spiritual formation – growing in Christ. Through Bible study, prayer, community building, and service opportunities, our Small Groups seek to be transformed together.
Currently, we have men’s groups, women’s groups, and co-ed groups
meeting. For more information about joining a Small Group, email smallgroup@windsorroad.org.

Empty Arms
1st Thursdays | 6-7:30pm | Fireside Room
Audience: ages 16+
Welcome. We’re so sorry you need us, but we’re glad you found us during this unimaginably difficult time. If you’ve experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, navigating grief is a challenging experience. Empty Arms is a support network established by two moms who have also experienced loss and provides a community committed to meeting bereaved parents exactly where they’re at. No registration is needed.

Women's Book Club
2nd Saturdays, Jan-Apr | 10am-12pm
Fireside Room
We strive to provide a catalyst for reflection, self-examination, and spiritual growth when we select the books we read. Our intent is to create discussion groups where women can share and learn from each other in a safe and godly environment where the truths of God’s Word are the foundation.
JAN: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
FEB: The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Henry
MAR: The Memory Library by Kate Story
APR: The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters
U of I Monthly Luncheon
1st Fridays, Jan-Apr | 12-1pm
Campus YMCA
Are you on the U of I campus at lunchtime? Bring your lunch, grab something from a food truck, or eat at the Y-Eatery. We have no agenda for these meals other than building community and stepping away from work for an hour. You’ll be surprised at how many brothers and sisters you know across campus! Please register at least 1 day in advance so we can save enough tables.

Sunday Lunches
Sundays, Jan 12th & Apr 13th | 12:15pm
The Cafe
There’s something familiar and comforting in gathering for a family meal, and if you come to WRCC, we consider you part of our family. We want to invite everyone to stay after 2nd service on these dates to simply enjoy lunch together. We’ll make sure the food is here, your job is just to show up!

Women's Coffee Break
Sunday, Jan 19th | 9-10:15am | Room 106
Sunday, Mar 23rd | 10:45-12pm | Room 106
Ladies, here’s an opportunity to nurture new and existing friendships. Knowing it’s hard to squeeze girl time into your busy workweeks, we’re making time on Sunday mornings. And to make it more convenient, we’ll alternate meeting during first and second service in hopes that many will be able to attend. Grab your coffee or tea and join us!
Newcomer Dessert
Sunday, Feb 16th | 6-7:3pm
Pastor Randy’s Home
Are you new to WRCC? Pastor Randy and his wife, Sarah, want to invite you to their home for dessert and to get to know you personally. It will be a time of connection with them, as well as other folks who are new like you. Space is limited to 12 individuals, so it may fill up quickly. (register by 2/6)

Trivia Night Fundraiser
Friday, Feb 21st | 6-8pm | The Garage
It’s a night of belly laughs and friendly competition as we raise funds to send our students to Little Galilee Christian Camp this summer. In addition to trivia, we will enjoy a meal together and hear from students about how their time at summer camp has impacted their lives.

Craft Connect
Saturday, Feb 22nd | 2:30-5pm
The Cafe | Teens & Adults
Do you have a yen for yarn? A fondness for fabric? An aptitude for artistry? Whatever your skill level, whatever your craft, you’re invited to join us for an afternoon of crafting, conversation, and snacks. We’ll have a beginner’s crochet and knitting lesson available for anyone interested. If you’re so inclined, please bring a snack to share!

Elder Lunch
Sunday, Mar 2nd | 12:15pm | The Garage
Each year, our Elder Team hosts a lunch for our WRCC members and attendees to provide an update on our church. You’ll hear about how God moved through this church in 2024, along with where we’re headed in 2025. We’ll also have an intentional time of prayer to round out our time together. Lunch will be provided.
Daddy Daughter Date Night
Saturday, Mar 8th | 6-8pm | The Raceway
K-5th Graders & their Adult
Daddy Daughter Date Night is back! Take your daughter to dinner and then join us for a sweet night of special moments. Break out your dancing shoes because the girls are already learning line dances. We will enjoy music, dancing, and lots of fun! Cost for this memorable evening is $10/couple and $5 for each additional daughter. Space is limited, so register online soon!
Small Group Leader Interest Meeting
Wednesday, Mar 12th | 6:30-8pm | Room 109
This informational meeting is for any adult who is interested in leading a Small Group. Come learn about what the serving commitment entails as well as possibilities for training and launching a new group. Email Tim at trhee@windsorroad.org with questions. (register by 3/10)
To Tell You My Story: Ch 5
Friday, Apr 4th | 6-9pm
A good story is often the way we learn best. And God has made us to be story tellers by His example, with one story after another about His great love for us in the Bible. Join us as we hear from women in our church family who have a story to tell. We’ll also enjoy wonderful food, great music, and dessert. Click the link below for all the details!
Family Dedication
Saturday, Apr 12th | 10-11am | The Garage
We believe that life with God is meant to be a family pursuit. No one has a greater potential to impact a child’s spiritual development than their parents. During this service, parents will pledge to raise their child in a spiritually healthy home alongside their family and friends. Each family will have a table for up to 10 people and light refreshments will be served. (register by 4/5)

Holy Week Experience
Wednesday, Apr 16th | 6-8:30pm
We want to help you understand what Good Friday is and how we can all live in a way that honors the sacrifice Christ made for our sins. This self-guided tour will walk you through several different experiences that Christ had before He died for us on the cross. Encounters will include scripture to read together, some hands-on activities, and a time for your family to talk and pray about what you’ve learned.
Men's Night Out
Saturday, Apr 26th | 6-8pm | Urbana Hickory River
Hey, Gents! Come on out for a casual evening of mouthwatering food and loads of laughter. There’s no agenda, just conversation and BBQ. Meet us at the restaurant, purchase your meal at the counter, and then join us in the sunroom. Invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers along for a great evening. (register by 4/25)

Church Softball
April-July | Rantoul Family Sports Complex
Are you interested in building community, exercising, and dusting off your glove? Then we’d love to have you come and be a part of our church softball team this season. For more details, please email Tim at trhee@windsorroad.org